Tuesday, August 11, 2009

E. Coli assignment

~What is it? Escherichia coli (E. Coli) are a member of a large group of bacterial germs that inhabit the intestinal tract of humans and other warms blooded animales (mammals birds). Newborns have a sterile alimentary teact which within two days becomes colonized with E. Coli.

~Is it a eubacteria or archaebacteria? Its a Eubacteria.

~How can you get it? You can get it by eating a bad burger.

~What are the symtoms? Severe stomach cramps and stomach tenderness, Diarrhea, watery at first, but often becomes very bloody, and Nausea and vomiting.

~How is it diagnosed? Lab testing/blood work.

~How is it treated? Antibiotics the doctor well give you.

~How do you pervent from getting E. Coli? Mack sure your food is well cooked and try to pervent fast foods like Jack in the Box ,Taco Bell ect.

In 1993 hundreds of people were injured and four children died after eating Jack in the Box.....

Friday, May 15, 2009


GETA: wooden sandals with high supports. GETA are either carved in one piece or the supports are inset into the foot piece.
ASHIDA OR TAKAGET: Geta with very high supports for rainy days.

ZORI: Worn mainly by women with Kimono - the sole is covered with leather or cloth.

WARAJI: Women straw sandals, hardly ever seen nowadays.

WARAJI (STRAW SANDALS): These are made out of very many materials, such as cotton, thread, rice, straws, etc... All hte materials named last a very well. There are also ways of arranging the cords.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Voice of the Cuervo...........

I like this story because i believe in things like that one of the things is to bless your baby with a egg u do that because if there's people that want to hold your baby and they don't the baby gets bothered and they get really fussy i now and i believe it because they've done that to my baby and my moms boyfriend bless I'm with a egg......
I like the climax because knowing that there are people believe in that stuff but if u don't then don't trip but if u do then just believe in it because it can come true like Filo he believe in the crow thing and he was scared to die and he did but things happen for a reason but i believe in all those things but i really don't stress out of those things but when it comes up to the point yes i can go crazy.......... I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!! ITS THE BEST SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tears of my Margarita

i like this story because it was really true love i dont no one thats well get marrid like they did they loved each other the way they were.... Paco he was a player but he loved her more than anything even though he never told her that but he was in love


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Quistions of Secret Life of Bees

1~Who was your favorite character in the book/movie???
In the book i liked Lily because first she never gave up second because shes very strong and third shes not like her father and shes very respectful...

2~What message is the author trying to tell you the reader? What dose the message mean to you?
I think that the author was trying to tell me that the racism is not good and that we should get a long no matter what and that we are all good people and I'm very happy who i am like Lily knows who she is and what she wants to do I've planed my future already and i give Lily props for being strong...

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Secret Life of Bees

1~What dose the ''Secret Life of Bees'' have to do with racism?
This story has to do racism because the will not let Lilly can not go out with Zach because Lilly is white and Zach is black and they do not allow them to be together.